I am The Original Black Woman 13. I created this blog as a counter to the relentless and ongoing psychological warfare via the media against the psyche of the African (Black) Woman. This attack on the African Woman’s character, mind, image, and body didn’t began a few years ago, a few months ago, a few years ago, or a few decades ago. It began when Africans came into contact with the Europeans hundreds of years ago.
Because of the demonization of the African Woman some Black Women deal with it by becoming angry (which is a defense mechanism and is understandable within an anti-black people, anti-black woman society), some slip into depression and despair coupled with feelings of inferiority, worthlessness, and many Black Women internalize this inferiority complex by becoming self-hating or anti-self. Black Women have made TREMENDOUS contributions and achievements to world history and civilizations for thousands of years before Europeans came into existence, but our contributions like that of Black (African) people as a whole are hidden from us and suppressed by the global system of white supremacy (racism) in order to keep us in a state of feeling inferior to white women/people. The white supremacist media is continuously at work to and brainwash Black Women (and girls), Black men (and boys), and everybody else via television, radio, books, magazines, social media, and other forms of mass media coupled with the infamous European standard of beauty that Black women are worthless, undesirable, and unbeautiful compared to non-Black non-African Women. Examine the 2 before and after pictures below:
This is Irene Major, former model from Cameroon, West Africa and wife of
Canadian oil tycoon, Sam Malin. Major admitted last year that she
spends thousands of dollars in skin lightning cremes because she feels
“prettier” in light skin. Her sister also commented about this
disturbing trend among many African women in which they feel pressured
to conform to Euro standards of beauty and that rich African Men tend to
marry light or white women. I’m not judging this sista, but its just SO
SAD how this is affecting women in the African Diaspora and how we so
desperately need to learn and know our history. Sistas are destroying
their beautiful melanated skin because of the constant message that
“lighter is better.” This psychological warfare against the African
Woman is a THREAT to Black Women and Girls physical, mental, emotional,
and spiritual health. We must take steps to protect ourselves one being
is to learn WHO WE ARE; no. I’m not talking about your name, address,
or where each one of us are from but our historical significance,
presence, and status on planet earth.
This blog is my individual effort to share knowledge about the
historical status, contributions, and achievements of Black Women from
ancient times to the present. Learning OURSTORY will help Black Women to
survive and build a defense mechanism against anti-Black Woman attacks
online and offline. I’ve spoken with, read the experiences, and heard
Black Women say that once they learn OUR TRUE STORY they have a new
sense of pride and esteem and they no longer feel inferior or worthless.
Black women must rise up and reclaim our identity, history, and culture
for ourselves and for our people. I AM, WE ARE EVERY WOMAN!
Now, some of what you read above is actually pretty good. It talks about being proud to be an (African)black woman and combating a self-hatred some black women can have. But as I read the comment section of her little blog and the comments made by people she was supporting I came to understand what was happening in her blog. You see, she accuses "white people" of hating black people. Yet ignores the fact that "white people" are a much diverse group with numerous people, many of whom do not hate blacks. Men or women. In fact, the prettiest black girl I knew growing up was often times teased by other blacks for being too "dark" or "crispy" as they liked to call her.
The irony here is she's using Mitochondrial Eve as the "without black women there would be no one else" argument because "Eve" was traced back to Africa. The irony here is that shes basically stating that those she's showing hate for, namely white people, are decedents of this same woman. Like most racists however, she and many of her commenters and supporters and basing their entire hatred on skin color alone. If we all have the same ancestor, then would it not stand to reason that the pride she has being descended from a proud African woman white people can also make this claim?
Think about this: These so-called "pro-black" racists are always talking about how special they are because their most ancient ancestors hail from Africa. Yet at the same time they proudly declare ALL people descended from this common ancestor. Meaning, that her being proud to descend from this African woman is also a claim those she hates can make. So it neither makes her unusual nor unique, beyond the fact that she shares a common skin color with her.
In fact, one of her commenters is a black woman married to a white man. This commenter pointed out that the with the hatred another commenter was showing towards all people because of their skin color, it's no wonder she was filled with hate for herself. You should judge a person by the content of their character, and not their skin color. Obviously a paraphrasing of Martin Luther King Jr. Another commenter she was replying to responded basically with the usual "pro-black" racist rhetoric of "you just being used by that white man" and "you really think that white man respects you" and my personal favorite "When you get that white man's hair out of your mouth" kinds of responses. Nothing the racist stated was even remotely true either. They even went so far as to use the classic "black people can't be racist" argument, but with a slightly unique twist at first. That twist was "I'm not even gonna tell you why blacks cannot be racist because you're too closed minded to understand why." Never seen that argument before, it's usually the "blacks don't have power" argument these idiot racists make. But then she does go on to list one of the most convoluted reason blacks can't be racist I have ever heard of.
"Do you know for me to perpetuate hatred it had to exist in the first
place? And if I have this hatred who cares? Being Black, my hatred only
harms me or Black people that’s one reason why Black people CANNOT be
racist." is "one" of her reasons why black people can't be racist. Anyone reading this please have a look at this statement and read it carefully, because the mental twists and turns to come to this convoluted conclusion are amazing to me. First she says for her to perpetuate hatred it had to exist in the first place. Well, yeah, within HER. Then she goes on to say "who cares" if she does have this hatred, it only hurts herself... Who the hell is proud of hurting themselves? Mentally disturbed people that's who.
She then goes on to call this woman a coon and other derogatory words, usually reserved for blacks who don't display the level of racism and bigotry based hatred these "pro-black" racists need to justify to be comfortable with themselves and the self-loathing they need to project on others.
I'm going to end this with a bit of a thought here. Why is it when someone is "proud" of who their people are they generally display this by showing racial hatred and bigotry towards those not like them? White Supremacists did it, the Japanese Nationalists did it, the Chinese Communists did it, North Koreans are doing it still, and even some Muslims in the Middle Eastern countries are doing it. Why can't people be proud of their heritage and ancestry and not use it as a reason to hate others.
Finally, I want to point one thing out. These "pro-black" racists are so proud of their blackness because their ancestors hail from Africa. To them, this makes them better than any non-African and especially better than us "crackers" as we're usually called. But let me point something out to these racist idiots. Their ancestors hailed from Africa, therefore they are special, but then again so did EVERYONE'S ancestor, including us. So how does that make you special exactly, when we share the same ancestry? Or is it simply their skin color and a need to justify their racism and bigotry that makes them make these claims and ignore the irony that the people they claim to hate the most also descend from these same people?
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