I was watching a video by one of my favorite Conservative commentators on Youtube, Alphonzo Rachel. The video was about cowardly and just plain low life "protesters" that were stomping on the American flag in front of a guy who is a veteran that risked his life for that flag. That isn't what this is about thought, it's about something that Rachel himself states in the video. You can find the video HERE, and I really recommend you watch others. Despite my disagreement about what he says in the video, I still think he's worth listening to as are most of the guys at PJ Media. Anyway, to the issue at hand.
In the video Zo addresses the "take back America" Conservative crowd, people like me pretty much. During the video he says "That's why it makes me cringe when Republicans say 'We need to take our country back.' Back to what? Back to when?" Then he continues with "At what point in our history did so-called American institutions all recognize it's promise as also addressed b Dr. Martin Luther King [Jr.] It still hasn't." Then he goes on to talk about how America in the past didn't acknowledge the equality of different groups of people, women, blacks, the Irish, Catholics, etc.
Now, most people who espouse this same idea about what "take America back" means are generally progressive Liberal Democrats, people like Joe "Put ya'll back in chains" Biden. And this is where I have an issue with Alphonzo Rachel and what he said. Here's the reason why. The idea that "take America Back" means to take it back in time to a more racist era is a Liberalization of what it means, something that I thought was beneath a person like Zo. Some who claims to be a Conservative yet playing the race card, among others like Gender and Religion. Conservatives are not groups thinkers, we are on the average critical thinkers who promote individualism before collectivism. But this argument that Zo is making is right out of the Progressive Liberal collectivism handbook of tribalism and group think.
There is a comment by that's made by Tommy Lee Jones in the movie Men in Black that is pretty close to reality when it comes to individualism and collectivism. In response to Will Smiths character Jay asking, "Why the big secret? People are smart. They can handle it." Jones's character Kay replies, "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it." This same philosophy, though from a movie, is actually quite poignant. Despite them talking about space Aliens being on earth. But if I could change the quote, I would change it to this: "A individual is smart. Groups of people are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals.. and we all know it." Because this is true, and it's the primary reason why I believe collective is and "for the great good" to be some of the worst ideas in history. After all, the Inquisition was thought to be "for the greater good" of Christians and to protect their souls. Look how many lives that "for the greater good" ideology cost.
The thing is though, when Conservatives like me say "take America back" we aren't talking about taking it back to a previous time. We are talking about taking back control of the future of this country from the corrupt, morally bankrupt, politicians who have for far too long been in control. Zo mentions the promises America made, about freedom and equality for all, and about how America has not lived up to those promises. And he would be right to acknowledge that. But he fails to acknowledge that the reason this occurred is due to the Liberalization of the American culture and American society. Something that Zo himself is constantly railing against, and something he is constantly telling Republicans they need to learn to do. To reclaim the culture that has become Liberalized over the past century or more.
When we says we need to "take America back" we are talking about taking it out of the "God Damn America" and the "There is no such thing as American exceptionalism." crowd and put it in the hands of the "God bless America" and the "America the Beautiful" crowd. When we say "take America back" we mean take the culture that espouses tribalism and collectivism that has permeated the Democrat party that is the core of the Progressive Liberal ideological philosophy and put it back into the hands of Conservatives who fight for individual freedom, Life, Liberty, the Pursuit of Happiness, and promotes critical thinking and merit above feelings and illogical thinking. To "take America back" to pushing to be the beacon of freedom and light that was the shining city on the hill, the America where the stories once told to those wanting to come here was that the streets were paved with gold and that you could be anything you wanted if you were willing to work for it.
We miss that America, the America striving to heal herself despite her wounded past and constantly strives for a better future. Not just for us, or the next generation, but for generations to come. We want an America where saddling your children's great grand children with massive debt, poor education, and corruption in those we elect to lead isn't considered "just how it is" and our leaders are once again held accountable for what they do. Not because that's how things were done in the past, because cause that's how it should be regardless of era. I want to see an America where black Americans and "white" Americans and Hispanic Americans and Asian Americans are all just Americans working together to improve the lot of everyone and not blaming one another for the failures we are all a part of, regardless of race or gender or ethnicity.
That is the America we want, that is why we want to "take America back" from those who currently have it.
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