Hello to no one but me, I guess. :p Anyway, the reason I am writing this is because of an article written by another PC twat waffle named Johnny Brayson of Bustle.com. And of course you can't leave comments to his little post of idiocy so you can't correct the dumb ass. So, I am writing this blog entry to address his stupidity. Let's get started, shall we? Incidentally, you can find this morons brain fart HERE.
OK, so, the article Johnny boy writes is about people who criticize the New Fantastic Four movie's character Johnny Storm for being black. Basically calling anyone who makes that criticism "racist" as one might expect from a PC minded moron. Brayson starts off by admitting that some of the criticisms of the movie centered around the age of the characters, many fans felt they were too young. Myself included. Many criticized the origin story of how they acquired their powers, through some trans-dimensional portal into the Negative Zone that gives them their powers. And there are those who criticized the logistics of how Mr. Fantastic's powers will work, I know. It's a comic book people, and he stretches WTF do logistics have to do with that? Anyway...
So then we get to the crux of the matter Brayson wants to discuss, being the PC minded moron that he is, race. There have been criticisms leveled at the fact Johnny Storm was racially changed from a white guy to a black guy. Oh the horror. Now, had Brayson actually been able to make legitimate points I might not have had to address this idiots column at all, but he didn't and so I am compelled to. Let's hear Brayson tell it, shall we?
"What a lot of people can't seem to get over" he says, "is that Johnny Storm and Sue Storm are brother and sister in the movie, but are played by actors of two different races (Kate Mara portrays Sue)." Aside from the fact that Johnny and Sue being brother and sister of different races wasn't the actual issue, and he goes on to needlessly explain how such as thing could happen. Such as adoption, mixed race parents, etc. we get this gem of a comment: "Some people just don't like the idea of a black Johnny Storm" he states, "and some of the critics are defending their racism[my emphasis] by declaring that
since a black Johnny Storm doesn't exist in the comics, he therefore
shouldn't exist in the film." Which he then goes on to declare as wrong. Why? Because, and I am quoting here, "I hate to break it to you," says Brayson "but if your argument is that you're against Johnny being black because it means the movie is changed from the comics, you're flat-out wrong."
Of course this isn't the actual criticism, because most comic book fans know stories can and do change. The actual criticism is about the Politically Correct, Social Re-engineering, and quite frankly desperate need of the Social Justice crowd to change a character that was established some 40 to 50 years ago into something he wasn't. Ignoring the fact that any minority having such an idiotic concept pushed onto them should be highly offended; what, Black Americans don't deserve their own unique characters with their own unique stories and origins, we have to start converting established Caucasian characters to Black? Didn't they do that in the 50's, I think they call it black face? Because that's essentially what that is.
But I digress. The problem with Brayson's article however is he uses a massive fallacy to explain why "changing the character because they weren't changed in the comics" is wrong. He goes on to give 14 examples of changes made in the comic books that changed the "core elements" of the books, as he puts it. But the issue here, aside from him being a massive idiot, is he's "flat-out wrong" as he would say. And here's why.
In all 14 examples that Brayson uses not one, not a single one, is a change in the race, gender, ethnicity, or familial relationships of the characters he uses as examples. Read his article of idiocy to see a full list of who he chooses as examples. Here I am going to discuss two or three primary characters. One character he mentions is the Black Panther, who also replaced Reed Richards as the leader of the Fantastic Four at one time. Now, he uses The Black Panther character, named T'challa who is a king from the African nation of Wakanda, I am guessing because he too is black. In fact, we get this idea from Brayson's own words: "Now I'm really making the Michael B. Jordan haters uncomfortable." There's just one problem with this comparison, it's a false equivalency. Aside from the fact that the new Human Torch and The Black Panther are black, their similarities and situations end there because they are completely different. First off, T'challa replaced Reed Richards as a member of the team, he wasn't Reed Richards recast or repackaged as a black dude with Richards powers or as the "black Reed Richards." Second, Given that T'challa replaced Richards, and didn't just join the team with the other 4, it didn't change the "core" of the comic book team. They were still 4 superheros trying to save the world.
Then we have his inclusion of She-Hulk, which he actually ridicules the name of by calling it "silly." I suppose he would have preferred Hulkette or some other idiotic name? Anyway, this too is another example of a false equivalency. She has been a member of the FF off and on for years, but it's always been as a replacement for a missing team member. Not as a gender swap of an existing team member, she wasn't Sue Storm given green skin and muscles or The Thing given a vagina and boobs. So again, we see this false equivalency dynamic that idiots like Brayson can't help but use, because proving actual racism in American today is too hard for these brain dead morons to actuall do.
Now, in this article Brayson goes on to detail other characters that replaced team members but weren't gender, race, or familial swaps of the original characters. He does this with black characters like Luke Cage and Storm, and with other characters such as the Inhumans Crystal and Medusa.
At the end of the day the criticism of making Johnny Storm into a black character is a valid criticism. Why? Because all it does is take an established "white" character and put him in black face really. Why is it these Social Justice crusading jackasses never seem to understand that when you simply convert an existing "white" character into a black character you aren't doing anything worth while, and I would actually argue that you are being racist towards the blacks you are trying to portray.
At least when Marvel created a black Captain America they didn't just name him Steve Rogers and rehash the cap origin story, or changed it to fit a stereotypical idea of what a black character should be. Imagine if you will, the Black Panther being turned into a white dude? Or how about the character Storm turned into a Japanese man? Would this sit well with Brayson as well? I somehow don't think it would.
To me, and any rational thinking human being, repainting an established character black instead of generating new and unique characters with their own stories and lives is about as racist as one can get without being overtly racist. Because what it does, is it tells us that black people are not interesting or unique enough to be able to drive their own stories. It gives the impression that black people are mundane and ordinary, not worth the effort or deserving of the time it would take to create unique characters around them.
I don't believe this is true, I believe black characters can be just as fascinating and enjoyable to read about as any "white" characters. Sometimes more so depending on who's writing it. Every single time I see one of these PC morons like this one either advocating for the racial change of a character, 99% of the time a Caucasian character, just to satisfy some idiotic social engineering desire these dumb asses have, all I see are racists who think blacks aren't worth giving unique stories to and creating characters for. But that's just me, and I'm apparently a racist because I find the racial change of Johnny Storm just to satisfy some Social Justice desperate need to re-engineer society to be moronic and bigoted towards the people you claim to support. So what do I know? Right?
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