So, I'm reading an article today that was written by Lauren R. Taylor and Lynne Marie Wanamaker in July of 2014 about self-defense and "victim blaming" disguised as advice in self-defense. After reading this article I realized it gave me a deeper view into the feminist mindset, and what I found in there was disturbing as hell.
They begin their post with:
"As we know all too well, women and girls get tons of useless advice
about how to “protect” ourselves. And then whether we follow the advice
or not, we’re blamed for our own assaults."
"Thankfully, more people are pushing back against these victim-blaming
messages and standing up to those who believe we caused our own attacks
because of something we did or failed to do."
The reality, of course, is that this is not actually something "we all know" and is not people "blaming victims" for the violence they experience because of "something they did" or "failed to do." It is simply what Feminists like Taylor and Wanamaker assert without any real evidence aside from anecdotes, all in order to brand Feminist approved "self-defense" as the only self-defense. This is a common tactic for Feminists, branding anything not provided by feminism as useless and "victim blaming" just to push their victimization narratives. As we read this article we see these two feminists go on to describe the difference(as they see it) between "useless victim-blaming advice" and Feminist approved "empowerment self-defense." The irony of course is that they dismiss actual good advice as "useless" and "dictatorial" while dictating what is "useful" to their views.
Of course they go on to claim that for "many people" saying women actually can defend themselves "sounds like victim-blaming" yet provides no examples of anyone else actually making these remarks besides themselves asserting this as fact. Even if they did managed to do it though, it still would not prove that this is what "many people" say to women who are victims of assault. It would simply be an example of stupid people saying such idiotic remarks and is in no way an indication of a socially acceptable view, which is what Feminists want people to believe is a common view of society as a whole. And certainly is not proof of a "rape culture" that blames the victims of rape for their attacks. Of course they do give remarks they claim are common, remarks like:
"If you just had fought back harder, you would have escaped”
“You should have taken a self-defense class and then you wouldn’t have been raped."
But of course they have to make these claims, it's almost mandatory for Feminists to make these claims because without them Feminists couldn't justify their innate hatreds. Because the people Feminists often accuse of making these claims are men or to a lesser degree women they deem possessed of "internal misogyny" in order to try and make their often times irrational claims seem more rational to them. They hold these views while actually acknowledging society as a whole doesn't do this.
"Increasingly, society is rightfully putting the responsibility for the
crime on the person who committed it and not on the person targeted. There
is nothing any survivor could do or not do that could “cause” a sexual
assault, harassment, intimate partner violence, or stalking to happen."
As you can see, they admit society in general does see the perpetrator as guilty, regardless of what the person did or didn't do. But then these delusional people go on to claim it's not enough. And this is where their innate hatreds and bigotry comes in, because it postulates that men are guilty even if they haven't done anything. This very convoluted logic allows these bigots to express their hatred openly, but why so much of American society is so willing to deem this bigotry and hatred as acceptable is beyond me. Because the only reason I can see such discriminatory and bigoted views as being justified is you believe male lives have little to no value. Often times fostering this view with guilt by association, case in point:
"Though very few men rape, all men benefit from the power and privilege it enforces."
This is directly from their blog post, in which they are saying not all men rape but all of them benefit so are responsible for it happening. It's the same moronic logic that racists use to brand all Black Americans as violent criminals. Can you imagine some racist jackass stating "Though very few black men rape, all black men benefit from the power and privilege it enforces."
In the end the article is primarily about the ideology that "only Feminism can protect women" and they try to demonize common sense recommendations that would actually protect women. Things like "Don’t leave your drink unsupervised" which would seem like common sense advice for insuring your drink isn't drugged and thus decreasing your chances of being taken advantage of. Things like "don’t park next to a van" which insures that you are not surprised by someone hiding in a van and get kidnapped. They even use the "don't wear a short skirt" argument and claim this is advice people actually give rape victims. The last "victim-blaming" advice they condemn is "be aware of everything around you all the time." which is actually good advice for everyone, male or female. Situational awareness is a good skill to have, as it allows you to be more aware of the environment around you and spot potential threats before they become a threat. There was even an incident a few years back where some male college students came up with an idea that would allow women to carry a substance disguised as nail polish that would let them know if commonly used drugs were put in their drinks. Yet Feminists called this too "victim-blaming" and did everything they could to derail it's production.
According to feminists these common sense tactics to reduce your risk of being a victim is just "victim-blaming" and thus should be discouraged. The question is: why? Why do Feminists try to derail any possible non-feminist ideas they could help protect women and reduce their risks of becoming victims? Well, this is only speculation on my part, but I believe the reason is two fold.
The first reason? It allows Feminists to deem women as little more than victims which helps them justify their bigotry and hatred, after all they argue that "women sexist towards men, since sexism requires power and women have little" The idiocy of such a belief aside; in a society that provides tremendous benefit to women in the form of "protected class" laws such as hate crimes and female gender-centric legislation, mandatory quotas enforced by Affirmative Action legislation that benefits women by focusing on gender before skill and experience, a society that teaches women male lives and well being is secondary to their own and that violence against women by men is wrong even in self-defense but violence by women against men is perfectly fine because women aren't a "real threat" to men. It seems disingenuous to make the claim of oppression when these things are all true of American society.
The second reason? It allows Feminists to claim that only Feminism is concerned for the well being of women, and that anyone else is just blaming the victim. This gives Feminism the grounds to deem anyone who does not identify as Feminist as a villain, even Egalitarians who have arguably done more to foster a truly equal society than Feminism ever has. With the "Only Feminism cares" mantra Feminists are able to claim the moral high ground, even when what they are espousing is immoral or even downright vile. Things like male genocide, male imprisonment in what basically equals concentration camps, and calling for men who legitimately earned their positions and livelihood through hard work and sacrifice to be fired to place a woman there whether she's earned it or not or even is qualified.
For Feminism the movement is always about power, that is often their most common rhetoric. They often times make comments like "I, an ethnic minority woman, cannot be racist or sexist towards white
men, because racism and sexism describe structures of privilege based on
race and gender." that was made by Bahar Mustafa. A woman who is allowed to teach college students this same philosophy in the name of "diversity" as the Student Union Welfare Diversity Officer for Goldsmiths University. And this was after Mustafa was found to have posted a Facebook post with regards to a event being held to discuss "Diversifying the curriculum" in which she told white students and male students they should attend the event.
Here's her Facebook post:
Not only is this woman displaying the typical bigoted views that feminists have, but she also clearly proves that Feminism is about power. Look at her last sentence in that comment: "Don't worry lads we will give you and allies things to do." If this doesn't help display the arrogance of Feminists, perhaps knowing this isn't an uncommon view of the average feminist would help. There are a number of blogs and videos where feminists tell white people and men to just shut up and let others talk, doing so by demeaning the views and comments that these people have based solely on gender and skin color.
Modern day feminism is not about equality, it's about power and control and everything you learn about Feminism from their own publishing's and articles is proof of this.
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