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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

GTA 5, Introduction

Ok, so, I have recently acquired a Playstation 4 and bought Grand Theft Auto 5. Ever since I played the game I have started looking online at various articles and other sources just to see what others thought of it, a very stupid Idea it turns out given the era of political correctness and sociopolitical engineering going on in America. Very stupid indeed. Because the more I looked into this stuff the more I realized that there are few people out there with the views of GTA, and GTA 5 specifically, that I do.

I also want to make this clear, my thoughts and considerations on this are based solely on GTA 3, GTA: Vice City, GTA: San Andreas, and GTA 5, since these are the primary GTA games I have played. The following series of post, primarily to help keep the size of the posts down and to help organize my thoughts better, will each cover a single topic and my opinions on those topics. Those Topics will be as follows:

1) Misanthropy vs Misogyny

2)Female Protagaonists

3)Target Audience

4)Controversy and Reactions

After these 4 topics, which wil center primarily around the aforementioned games and GTA 5 specifically, I will be doing a post about my experiences as a "gamer" and what my gaming background actually is. I'm also going to post about the issues with the gaming industry and the perceptions of it being "anti-female" and what my thoughts on this are, as well as why the perception of video games all being viewed a certain way happens. This too will cover two topics:

1) Gamers in General and Me as a Gamer

2) Games in general

3) Don't like what's available?

Not sure anyone even reads these, since I don't post as often as I'd like to, but I have to write this down just to get this stuff my chest and to add a perspective I don't think very many people actually consider.war of political correctness and political grand standing.

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